Planning and creating content is like Days of Our Lives.
Over-the-top dramatic.
Shows up every week.
Can bring you to tears. (WHY DID HOPE HAVE TO LOSE HER MEMORY!! WHY??!!)
Just me?
Am I the only kid whose grandma must’ve thought, “It’s fine if this eight-year-old watches Marlena’s exorcism. Totally fine.”
I might be.
But, either way, I think you get what I’m throwing down:
Content creation is here to stay. And, if it’s overwhelming you or taking up way too much of your time, it can feel worse than living in a cheesy, never-ending soap opera plot.
So today, I want to share with you how I plan my content for each quarter in about 30 minutes or less
When you click that link above, you’ll watch a 7ish-minute video, where I walk you through my content planning process, and the spreadsheet I use to keep track of it all.
Speaking of that spreadsheet, if you’d like to make a copy of that and use it for yourself, you’ve got it:
Free Content-Planning Spreadsheet
Questions? I’m only an email away (hello@jennyrothcopywriting.com), and I always love to hear from you! Wishing you a beautiful week!
PS~ I learned this content planning process from an extraordinary copywriter and coach, Jamie Jensen. If you aren’t already in her community, give her a follow!! She is one of the best, not to mention a huge cheerleader and wealth of knowledge for helping creatives make money.