For small business owners, coaches, and creative CEOS.
Hi, lovely friends! Here are some things I’ve been seeing as I write email and sales page copy lately. What’s working, and what’s going well for my clients and my own business too. Read this and file under ‘remember” for next time you have to start working your sales words :).
1 – When you’re launching or selling something, write your sales page first.
I dunno what it is, but once you have your sales page copy perfected and on point, the email sequence and social media copy build themselves naturally after that. You can even take the copy from your sales page and repurpose it in your emails and IG captions. (And we all know Copy and Paste are everyone’s two favorite words when it comes to writing:))
2- My inbox gets flooded with subject lines that say Free Gift! or A Gift For You! I rarely open these anymore.
What about you? Sure, we all love free stuff. But lately, I’ve been opening these only to find the ‘free’ gift is a discount on a product or an invitation to a waitlist. And, even if what’s inside your email really IS free, does that mean your subscriber will want or can use whatever you got? I think we (including me!) have to do better in our subject lines in this area. If we are giving our people something for free, what if we just tell them what it is? So, instead of saying: Free Gift, we can say: 10 Free Stock Photos. Or, Free Canva Story Templates.
Right? Like, it’s weird if your friend says, “Hey, come over! I have a free present for you.” Creepy. What the F does that mean? But, if she says, “Hey, come over! I have a free wall calendar you can have.” Much less weird. Same goes for email subject lines:).
Which brings me to my next point.
3- Don’t use RE: in your subject line if it’s not really a reply.
I have done this so many times ~ I am so guilty here! And a year ago, it was CATCHY. I opened every email I got that said RE: in the subject line, even if I didn’t recognize the sender, because I thought, “What if this is a response to something I sent and just forgot about?”
But isn’t it the grossest feeling ever to open an email and realize that the RE: was just a gig to get you to open it? This subject line gets a lot of opens, no doubt about that. But I don’t think your click rates will be super high, and I don’t think it does too much to build long-standing customer trust and relationships. My opinion is to ditch the RE:. What do you think?
4 – Last, but certainly, not least:)~ Setting up a new-client welcome workflow or email sequence for every service you deliver is a must.
I know that sounds bossy, but I had to put on my bossy pants because it’s totally true.
This past fall, my family and I booked a photography session, and we are SO not the type of people who naturally know what to do in front of a camera. After booking, we got a confirmation message with the address and time for our shoot, and that was it. We didn’t hear a word from our photographer until we met her at the shoot. I so wish we would have gotten correspondence from our photographer letting us know what to expect, how to plan our outfits, tips on jewelry, makeup, hair, posing, having your kids in photos ~ anything!! 🙂 I felt like I was walking around in the dark. You are never bothering your clients if you keep them as educated and updated and informed and welcomed as possible. Step into their shoes, and ask yourself what would they want to know? What might they be worried or wondering about?
If you’re stuck on creating this kind of client welcome sequence for your business, I can write it for you. I promise it will be a beautiful addition to your business that raises your client experience (and 5-star reviews) times a million. Plus, you can set it up to go out automatically ~ so it’s not creating more work for you:).
That’s all for now! Wishing you a very, very happy rest of your day. 💛