
Finally, a (free!!) email marketing strategy that gives you more opens, clicks, replies and SALES! 


 A simple email strategy that works (and readers love)


Free content creation planning guide for your service-based business!

One of my goals for this year is to show up consistently for my own email list (oh hey!!) and social media.

I literally LOVE copywriting for these platforms for others. 

But when it comes time to market and write for my own business? I put that last on my to-do list (or secretly leave it off!).  

Maybe you can relate. You love serving people, working with your clients, being there for your team, creating new products/ideas/services. 

But writing to your email list, updating your website copy, or deciding how to caption that social media post? Eh….let’s put that off for one more week.

**Crosses fingers and hopes it will go away if you ignore it **

So here we are in February, meaning I’ve been showing up for my own business the same way I’d show up for others for a whole month. 

Creating a yearly marketing plan. Deciding on my content pillars and what to talk about each month, week, and day. Writing to my email list every week. Posting to social media. Making sure my website doesn’t suck. 

What I’ve learned is: You guys, this shit takes time and it’s HARD. 

And when things get hard, they automatically become: Not Fun. 

When I sat down to write my own content for this week, everything that came out was this bitter, grumpy, tired, worried version of me. 

What the actual heck? I’m not a down-in-the-dumps bore most days, so why is this happening when I sit down to market my business?

I think it’s because I love my work, so that translates sometimes for me to mean that my work has to be perfect, or nothing at all.

Beautiful friends who are still reading, please listen close:

You do not have to be perfect when you write for your business.

And for all things chocolate, remember to HAVE FUN when you market. 

You can show up and write hundreds of salesy, pitchy, boring, dull, drab, crappy things in your business that no one reads, and guess what – that is Ah-Maze-Ing. 

Because that is what it takes to get to a place where you are comfortable writing in the real, true-you voice that people love to read and connect with.

Your super power? It’s showing up. Consistently. And then not beating yourself up when you aren’t consistent, but just trying again. 

And remember, superheroes with cool powers like that have FUN.

When you’re having fun, your audience will feel that energy from you, and your writing will only get better, faster.

I’ve found I can’t show up consistently without a plan in place, so I wanted to share with you the content-planning guide I use for my own business. 

—–→  Just click here ←—–

If this helps you write for your business this week, leave a comment below and let me know!

Let’s work together!

Applications for new copywriting projects are always open! We typically book around 6-8 weeks in advance, so if outsourcing copy is on your wish-list for sometime in the next six months, don’t hesitate to fill out this quick contact form and start the conversation.

Whoop whoop
! Can’t wait to meet ya! 

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