Tracey Jazmin is a holistic business coach, my friend, and a copywriting client.
HERE’s a case study on the sales page copy I wrote to sell her first group program, at the time, called The Evolving Entrepreneur.

Tracey is an incredible writer. She creates the most amazing, scroll-stopping copy on Instagram.
She hired me because even though she enjoys writing and is good at it, putting those skills onto a sales page and into emails can cause *anyone* to freeze up.
Am I saying the right things?
Am I talking to the buyers I want to call in?
Am I structuring this thing ‘right?’
Is my copy accurately reflecting the value of this offer?
How can I pull my client wins and experience and clearly position those things to sell?
I don’t have time to write all this copy!!!
Sound familiar?
The Value of Working with a Copywriter
One of the best parts of hiring a copywriter, even if you love writing and are good at it – is working with someone who can come in and SEE everything you do and put that on a sales page for your clients to see, too.
It’s having someone who can see all the tiny differences and nuances and wins and golden threads to sell your offer that maybe you can’t (yet!) because you are so close to it, and it’s hard to see these things for ourselves.
It’s having someone do the writing FOR YOU because writing takes a lot of time, brain power, and work and your best strength is coaching and helping your clients.
It’s the luxury of not having to stare at a blank screen or chase down a template or worry about your sales copy in any way.
It’s having someone who loves your offer like you do, sees all the potential in it, and will partner with you to say YES it’s good – YES, we can sell it.
Tracey’s Launch Results
Tracey celebrated a $30k launch when I wrote her sales page and launch emails. Here are some highlights from her successful launch:
👉She filled 11 spots in her program!! (The original goal was 10!) 9 out of the 11 new clients came from her emails/sales page.
👉She had an average email open rate of 56%-65% with click rates in the 3%-6% range!
👉One of her new clients shared that the sales page was exactly who she was through and through. She felt as if it was written exactly for her. (it was!)
You can have an incredible experience working with a copywriter even if (especially if!) you like writing and are good at it.
I will not come in to ‘change’ your voice or writing style. I’ll partner with you to amplify it even more.
Wondering what this would look like for you and your business?
Click HERE for details on working with me as your sales page copywriter.
This is a done-for-you sales page copy for female-led course creators and group coaching offers. This is for you if you want to have the highest-converting sale page possible. You’ll walk away with a sales page that your clients love to read and buy from and that positions you to reach your next big goal, like:
- Having a converting funnel
- Celebrating your most successful launch yet
- Filing your program without discovery calls
Click HERE to book your Sizzlin’ Sales Page Copy Project
PS – If you aren’t ready to hire a sales page copywriter, I have two other options you might love:
#1 – A Free Sales Page Copy Template
Over one thousand business owners have trusted this template to help write their sales page. Inside, I guide you through writing every section of your page with mad-lib headlines and prompts for when you’re stuck on what to say. Get the Free Sales Page Template
For $197, you get a custom Loom video that shows you EXACTLY what to add, remove, say and change to increase your sales page’s conversion rate, AND I write three headlines for you!