
Finally, a (free!!) email marketing strategy that gives you more opens, clicks, replies and SALES! 


 A simple email strategy that works (and readers love)


Turn cold subscribers into BUYERS with these three emails

Get the simple ‘list clean’ email sequence that doubles as a successful sales campaign.

A few months ago, I signed up to receive emails from a company that teaches classes on speaking Spanish.

Fun fact: I have a degree in Spanish! I even lived in Mexico and worked as a translator in my 20s. But these days? My Spanish is rusty.

I don’t get to speak or read in Spanish as often as I’d like anymore, but I don’t want to lose this skill. It’s always on my list of goals to get into some Spanish-speaking class or opportunity so I don’t lose this language completely.

So … I signed up to learn more about these Spanish-speaking classes that look really, really cool.

But, of course, a few months have gone by, and life has been busy, and you know the story – I never did sign up, and I haven’t been opening their emails.

UNTIL today, that is, when they sent me the classic “Should we unsubscribe you from our list?” email, and I jumped a little in my seat because I realized, oh shoot! I have become so inactive on this list that they’re ready to unsubscribe me.

I opened the email, clicked the option to let them know I wanted to stay, and put the Spanish classes back on my radar.

Their sequence worked! It was the reminder I needed that that this topic is still important to me and that I want to pay attention.

Maybe you’ve been on the receiving end of a ‘clean list sequence’ like this, too.

Maybe, as a business owner, you’ve even run a campaign like this on your own.

Contrary to what you might think, this sequence’s main job is not just to clean your list of inactive subscribers so you can see higher clicks and opens.

When done right, a list-clean sequence can also be a profitable sales campaign that sells your offers and products to your most inactive subscribers in just three emails.

A ‘clean list sequence’ does not have to be this dreaded ‘break-up’ you don’t want to deal with. Instead, it can be an opportunity to turn cold subscribers into buyers and infuse some cash into your business.

In today’s post, I’m going to walk you through my strategy for sending a ‘clean list sequence’ that helps you do two very important things:

  1. Clear your list of inactive subscribers, so you have a more engaged email community.
  2. SELL an exclusive offer that turns cold subscribers into buyers right away.

Let’s go!

Side note: A fully customizable template for the list clean sequence and strategy I’m about to share with you is available inside Email Insiders.

Email Insiders gives you yearly access to weekly and quarterly email sequence templates that help you easily create emails your subscribers love reading, make more money with email, and have a relationship-based email strategy that actually works. Click HERE for details on Email Insiders.

The List Clean Strategy That Turns Cold Subscribers Into Buyers In Just Three Emails

First, go through your subscribers and select those who have not opened or clicked your emails in the past 60 days. Don’t overthink this part. If you want to select everyone who hasn’t opened in 30 days – I say go for it.

Anyone who hasn’t been opening your emails for a hot second will get this mini-sequence you’re about to send out.

Give all these ‘cold subscribers’ a new tag in your email backend so only they get the following emails you send.

Next, you’re going to send the first email in this sequence. This email is pretty typical of what you might see for most list-clean campaigns.

List Clean Email Sequence – Email #1

Use a Subject line like …

Open to stay on my email list!

I’m list cleaning! Open to keep getting my emails.

Are we still friends?

Is this goodbye?

I’m unsubscribing you.

In the body of your email, say something like:

“Hi, it’s been a while since you’ve opened an email from me, which means you either are no longer interested in hearing about my topic, or your inbox has been extra crowded lately, and you haven’t gotten around to opening my letters. I only want to send you content you enjoy consuming. Click HERE to confirm you’d like to still receive emails from me. Otherwise, I’ll go ahead and remove you from my list so you can get to inbox zero in record time.”

Keep them on your list if they open and/or click this email. If they don’t – also keep them on your list. They have a few more chances to stick around.

List Clean Email Sequence – Email #2

Ok, about two days after you send email #1 in this sequence, you’re going to send your second email, and this is where you’re going to turn those cold subscribers into buyers.

Essentially, you are going to give them an exclusive deal, offer, or perk for staying on your list.

Use a Subject line like

25% off VIP Days TODAY only

FREE offer suite audits TODAY only

The best deal on my content creation club is HERE

$100 off the Website Template Bundle – TODAY only

The email body goes like this:

“A few days ago I sent you a letter asking if you’re still interested in staying on my list, because, truth be told – I miss you! And that got me thinking – you know what this dying flame (i.e., email relationship) needs?

The offer of the century. So, here it is:

For the next 24 hours, you can get [DEAL] ON [OFFER, i.e., for the next 24 hours only, you can get a complete funnel audit (normally $297) for only $27!)]”

Make sure to be very clear this deal is only good for a very limited time.

Also important: Don’t just sell the sale or deal you’re giving; sell the offer. Highlight what makes this offer incredible, what results they can expect, and why your past clients have loved it.

List Clean Email Sequence – Email #3

This is your final email in this sequence! Send it 24-48 hours after email number two.

Subject line options can be …

Last chance to stay on my list!

I’m unsubscribing you today

See you down the road?

Is this goodbye?

Keep the email itself short but sweet: “This is your last chance to stay on my list, if you don’t click HERE and confirm you’d like to stick around, I’ll assume you don’t want to hear about [TOPIC/NICHE], and I’ll unsubscribe you from my list. Of course, you are welcome back anytime!”

Wait just a few more days, and then unsubscribe anyone who hasn’t opened or clicked your emails in this sequence.

If you feel nervous about losing subscribers, you can always keep their names and email addresses in a spreadsheet – just in case! This way, you’re cleaning your list, but you also don’t have to stress about losing potential leads or email addresses.

If this blog post was helpful to you, you will love my FREE Email Marketing Strategy and Template Collection. In this free resource, you get six customizable email templates you can rotate through every single month to create a relationship-based email marketing strategy that makes sales and a marketing calendar that shows you when to send each.

Click HERE to get the FREE Email Marketing Strategy & Template Collection!

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