Ditch the ‘what do I say to my email list?’ blues – for good

Hey everyone ~
I struggled to write to my email list today.
I didn’t know what to say.
It’s a Friday – brain’s at 25% – you know the feeling:).
Here’s a list of things I did this morning instead of writing to my email list–
- Tested the links on my website – just in case!
- Made a really good cup of coffee … which takes time, of course.
- Remembered that I forgot to stretch this morning
- Stretched for 10 minutes
- Let my dog out
- Let my dog in
- Made a list of things we need today at the grocery store
- Sent a text to my friend
- Bought a milk frother cup on Amazon for my *future* cups of coffee😂
It’s only 7:30 a.m., and I’ve already lived an entire day trying to not write my email.
Comment and let me know if you can relate:)!
I’m sharing this email procrastination story because I want you to know that it’s normal.
Even if you write emails for a living (hello!!) it’s normal to fight the blinking cursor and blank page sometimes.
Or a lot of times.
The thing that always helps me get my emails out the door when writing them feels hard is ….
Having a plan.
I didn’t know what to say to my email list today.
Then, I checked my email plan/calendar and remembered it’s Friday.
I always send my ‘weekly win & learn email’ on this day.
With a topic to start from … writing this thing suddenly became doable!💪
I have a new FREE resource to help you (and me!) overcome the ‘what the fork do I say to my email list today’ blues.
It’s called: How to Implement a Relationship-Based Email Marketing Strategy that Makes Sales.
This free resource includes –
1- Six email templates that you can rotate through every month to build relationships with your subscribers and make sales.
2- A calendar that shows you which emails to send and when, so you never have to guess what to say to your list.
3 – An email marketing strategy mini-training that walks you through customizing each template for your unique business.
This free email template collection & marketing strategy will help you …
start conversations & build relationships with your subscribers
deliver a ton of value to your list
sell your offers through email
Click HERE to download the email marketing strategy and template bundle …
… and ditch the email-writing procrastination for good:).