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Three quick copy fixes that will boost your Sales Page conversions immediately

Your offer is open. You’re talking about it consistently on your podcast and Instagram. You’re even writing daily emails. (In the words of my teenage daughters: slay, Queen.)😅

You open up your Google Analytics and check the stats:

Hundreds of people are landing *on* your sales page this week. 

But not nearly enough of those people are clicking “Sign Me Up,” no matter how bold and stand-out you make the button color. 


If you have a lot of eyes going to your sales page but not a lot of *buyers* on that page – the data is clear: To make more sales and get those leads across the finish line from lurker to buyer, your sales page needs to level UP. 

Your best option? Hire me to write your sales page for you OR book a quick Sales Page Edit. 

With your Edit, within the week, you’ll have a custom Loom video that shows you exactly what to add/delete/change/SAY on every section of your sales page to boost conversions, plus three custom-written headlines. 

Second-best option: Follow the advice in this blog post you’re reading. 

Here are three things you can do right now to boost your sales page conversions and – dare I say it – *save* your next launch: 

Sales Page Fix #1: It’s Not You, Babe, It’s Your HEADLINE

If I am not dyyyyying to work with you or learn more about your offer after reading your headline, it needs a rewrite, plain and simple. 

After reading your headline, your clients should know: 

  • *Exactly* who the offer is for
  • What it is 
  • Why they need it NOW

Your headline is your powerhouse. It’s where people decide if they’re going to keep reading or click away. I won’t bore you with headline examples right now, but you can listen to this podcast episode that shows you How to Write 100 Headline Ideas in An Hour or Grab My Free Sales Page Copywriting Template for several plug-and-go headlines to choose from. 

Sales Page Fix #2: Put Your Client Results Front And Center 

One of my clients, a seven-figure business owner, once said to me: “I don’t even read sales pages when I want to buy – I just scroll to see who has already trusted or bought from this person and what they’re saying, and I decide from there.” 

Let that sink in. 

Word of mouth will always be the best marketing system, even on your sales page, so put your client results front and center.

I always, always put 2 – 3 of the most impactful client testimonials as the second section of my sales pages, right after the headline. 

Your headline shares why your offer is amazing. Your client testimonials BACK YOU UP and say, “Yep, everything she’s saying about her offer *is* really true!” 

Don’t hide your testimonials at the bottom under a generic “What They’re Saying” headline. Move them up higher on your page. Important: Make the best sentence of your testimonial the headline of that testimonial section. People won’t always read the entire thing, but they’ll always skim headlines. 

So, replace that “Kind Words” headline with a sentence from one of your clients that describes why they loved working with you. 

This free resource will help you gather more client testimonials if that’s something you need to do right now. 

Sales Page Fix #3: Add Their “Moment Of Highest Tension.” 

Imagine the scenario where your ideal client says: Enough is enough, I have to do something about this problem. (And by problem, I mean one that relates to working with you.)

THAT scenario needs to be on your sales page. In copywriting, we call this The Moment Of Highest Tension. What is that *moment* for your client when they decide they can’t take it anymore and they are going to finally find a solution? 

For one of my clients, a birth and breastfeeding coach, that moment for her readers was going to another prenatal appointment, sitting in their doctor’s office and feeling like no one hears them, and knowing that they have a baby coming in weeks but STILL don’t have a birth plan they feel confident in. 

For another client, a financial strategist, that moment was a statistic. A study by a major accounting software company showed that the average business owner loses $118,000 by not having a clear picture of their finances. This moment of realizing how not having financial support doesn’t just prevent you from making more money, it causes you to LOSE money is the moment her clients decide enough is enough. 

I see so many sales pages missing the moment of highest tension, and it absolutely affects sales. 

Your clients need to know you understand their struggles and that you are *with* them. They need to know that you get what they’re going through, and that’s why you refuse to let them have to go through it anymore, so you create and offer to SOLVE for their struggle. 

Make these three changes in your sales page today, and your sales page conversions will absolutely increase – just by doing these three fixes.

Let me know how these changes work for you! Send an email to hello@jennyrothcopywriting.com or tag me in IG @jennyrothcopywriting with your insights or questions! 

As always, if you want to explore relationship-based email marketing strategy in more depth, check out my FREE email marketing strategy and template collection.

This is a bundle of six email templates that you can rotate through every month, plus a calendar showing you when to send each to start more conversations, build better relationships, and make more sales with your email list.

👉Click HERE to book your Sales Page Edit.

👉Grab your Free Sales Page Template. 

👉 Get the highest converting sales page possible when you book me as your Sales Page Copywriter. 

Listen to the Above the Bar Copy Podcast on this topic below!

Let’s work together!

Applications for new copywriting projects are always open! We typically book around 6-8 weeks in advance, so if outsourcing copy is on your wish-list for sometime in the next six months, don’t hesitate to fill out this quick contact form and start the conversation.

Whoop whoop
! Can’t wait to meet ya! 

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