
Finally, a (free!!) email marketing strategy that gives you more opens, clicks, replies and SALES! 


 A simple email strategy that works (and readers love)


Q: “What if my sales page is too long and it turns my buyers away?” (Read for the answer!)

“I get turned off by long sales pages!”

I’ve heard this statement more than once.👆 Maybe you’ve thought it or said it yourself. 

Can we fact check this, though?

That long sales page that ‘turned you off’ – were you actually going to buy the offer?

Were you really visiting that sales page as a serious, potential customer?

Were you for-real looking for more details, answers to your questions, reassurance, and specifics before committing? 

OR – did you visit that sales page already knowing the offer wasn’t truly for you, and then got ‘turned off’ by the ‘too long’ sales page? 

Truthful answer :).

Just because you don’t read long sales pages doesn’t mean your clients don’t.

Your sales page is not meant to impress the people who are not even there to buy from you in the first place.

Your sales page is meant to serve your clients with the best customer service and sales experience you can offer.

Your sales page can’t be written out of fear of losing people – it has to be written in celebration of all you stand to GAIN by boldly talking to the right people.

Your Sales Page is Written For Your Clients

Say it again: Your sales page is written for your clients.

It’s not written out of fear over what people who are not going to buy from you will think about your word count. 🙄

Your real clients, the ones who will be excellent to work with, will never click off your sales page because it was ‘too long.’ 

They’ll be grateful that you care enough about your offer and them to make your sales page one they can trust and feel GOOD about putting their credit card into. 

When I want to invest in an offer – for real – I read the sales page. 

I want to know how much it costs, what’s included, and how it works. I want to SEE and feel like I can trust this business owner with my time and money. 

I would never invest hundreds or thousands of dollars in a course or coaching program without reading the sales page and knowing exactly what I am getting myself into. 

I would never invest hundreds or thousands of dollars in a program if I could tell the business owner didn’t care enough about me to talk me through it and SELL me on her sales page. 

My Sales Page Copywriting Strategy

When I write your sales page, yes, it will be a long-form sales page.

This means it will have 14 crucial sections that all play a strategic part in showing what your offer is about and helping your clients make the best buying decision possible for themselves. 

Your page will be long-form so it can support ALL buyer types.

Skim readers and quick action takers? They will absolutely have PLENTY of opportunities on your page to find what they need and act fast, without reading everything. 

And your detail-oriented readers? They’ll have literally every piece of the puzzle they’re looking for. 

Long-form sales pages are not turn-offs; they are ethical marketing tools that serve all buyer types, including the ones who have lots of questions, need to know the fine-print details, and make careful decisions. 

Wondering what this would look like for you and your business?

Click HERE for details on working with me as your sales page copywriter.

This is a done-for-you sales page copy for female-led course creators and group coaching offers. This is for you if you want to have the highest-converting sale page possible. You’ll walk away with a sales page that your clients love to read and buy from and that positions you to reach your next big goal, like:

  • Having a converting funnel
  • Celebrating your most successful launch yet
  • Filing your program without discovery calls

Click HERE to book your Sizzlin’ Sales Page Copy Project

PS – If you aren’t ready to hire a sales page copywriter, I have two other options you might love:

#1 – A Free Sales Page Copy Template 

Over one thousand business owners have trusted this template to help write their sales page. Inside, I guide you through writing every section of your page with mad-lib headlines and prompts for when you’re stuck on what to say.  Get the Free Sales Page Template

#2—Sales Page Edits

For $197, you get a custom Loom video that shows you EXACTLY what to add, remove, say and change to increase your sales page’s conversion rate, AND I write three headlines for you! Reserve Your Sales Page Edit 

Let’s work together!

Applications for new copywriting projects are always open! We typically book around 6-8 weeks in advance, so if outsourcing copy is on your wish-list for sometime in the next six months, don’t hesitate to fill out this quick contact form and start the conversation.

Whoop whoop
! Can’t wait to meet ya! 

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