
Finally, a (free!!) email marketing strategy that gives you more opens, clicks, replies and SALES! 


 A simple email strategy that works (and readers love)


Four fresh hooks to share client wins

Sharing client wins can feel SUPER weird and braggy, I know.

Anytime I share a client win, I do these few things to make it easier:

I ask my client for permission to share their story/win.

I ask them to review my post with their win before sharing to ensure they’re comfortable with it.

I promote the heck out of my client and what they do :).

I use the mindset: There is at least one person who will eat his post up and feel excited to work with me after seeing what I can help people achieve!

And, copywriter that I am, I also rely on a few really great ‘hooks’ to help me get started.

These hooks are:

How my client achieved _______

I.e.: How my client sold her first brand photography session in 2 weeks.

3 ways my clients get [result]

I.e.: 3 ways my clients book 4-figure design projects.

My clients killed it this month, and I’ve got the receipts 

She [result] – because of [program]

I.e.: She’s booked for VIP Days for the year– because of XYZ PROGRAM 

Use these hooks as subject lines for your emails, titles for your blog posts, and lead sentences for your social media captions.

Goal for 2025: Share more client wins! 

Start by sharing at least one per month. You can do this! It doesn’t have to be a ~massive~ client win either. Even the small wins matter. 

I keep a Google Doc and Note on my phone called “Client Wins.” 

Anytime a client sends me a kind word, win, or note on how my services or offers helped them, I add it to this Doc/Note. Anytime I know I helped someone achieve something, I add it. 

That way, I always have a bank of mini client wins I can share with my audience. 

(Bonus: This is also a HUGE mood booster and reminder of how awesome you are to have on hand for the tough days/client situations!)

I hope this post was helpful!

If you have any questions, send me an email at hello@jennyrothcopywriting.com or a DM on Instagram

You’ll also find three ways I can support you in having the best messaging for your next launch or funnel campaign at the links below:

👉Click HERE to book your Sales Page Edit.

For just $197, I’ll go through your current sales page section by section and tell you exactly what to say/add/change to have it convert higher, AND I’ll write three custom headlines for you.

👉Grab your Free Sales Page Template. 

👉 Get the highest converting sales page possible when you book me as your Sales Page Copywriter. 

Let’s work together!

Applications for new copywriting projects are always open! We typically book around 6-8 weeks in advance, so if outsourcing copy is on your wish-list for sometime in the next six months, don’t hesitate to fill out this quick contact form and start the conversation.

Whoop whoop
! Can’t wait to meet ya! 

Get In Touch