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How To Make Your Sales Page Match Your Voice & Energy

You are an incredible speaker, coach, and teacher – people love listening to your podcast and following your Stories. You can close anyone when they get on a call with you, hands down.

When you share your offer with your voice or on video, there is this *energy* behind your words. Clients can feel it, and they reach out.

The challenge is getting that same level of energy onto your SALES PAGE. So your clients can have an empowering, confident buying experience even without hearing your voice and during the critical moment right before they punch in their credit card, which is when they need it most. 

If your podcast or Instagram are on fire, but your sales page copy just doesn’t match or do justice to your offer, keep reading because I have five quick fixes you can do to change that.

5 Ways To Make Your Sales Page Match Your Voice & Energy

#1 – Infuse client voice in your headlines 

Your stand-out factor is in the words your clients use to describe working with you. No one else has this. No one in your industry, and certainly not ChatGPT.  Listen to what your clients say when they describe working with you. Listen to what they say when they describe how your offer made their life better.  Listen to what they say when you ask them what they’d tell others about working with you. 

Those are the words that go into your sales page headlines and give your offer something that NO ONE else has. Those are the words that go into your sales page headline and give your offer “I need this now” energy. 

For example, here is a headline I wrote for a client who teaches business owners how to launch their podcasts: 

“Working with Jill, I went from ‘Wouldn’t it Be Cool To Have A Podcast?’ To … ‘OH MY GOSH I HAVE A FREAKIN’ PODCAST!!!” within 8 weeks.” 

These are exact words one of her clients shared with us in our market research, and they give this headline a level of enthusiasm, fire, and humanness that you don’t normally see on a sales page. 

#2 – Write like you speak 

If you just recorded a podcast episode where you felt like you described your offer PERFECTLY and really captured what makes it amazing – use that audio to create the first draft of your sales page. 

There are all kinds of free transcript and AI services that help you do that. 

When you sit down to write ANYTHING for your business, sales page or otherwise, write it like you’d say it. Read it out loud to make sure it sounds like how you speak. 

No one – again, not anyone in your industry or ChatGPT – can write in your voice when you are doing it in your *actual* voice. 

Your sales page readers don’t want perfect and polished. They want the real version of you; that is who they are working with. 

# 3 – Share a statistic that they can’t ignore 

For most of us, it’s easier to appeal to the emotional buyer. We can share stories about how our offer changes lives, the challenges our clients go through, and what their life will be like AFTER they work with us.  I am an emotional buyer-typer myself, so this style of selling comes more naturally to me, too. 

Keep this emotional selling style in your sales page – but grab their attention with at least ONE ‘logical’ statistic they can’t ignore.

Here are some that I’ve included on sales pages for my clients – 

76% of people get to the end of their lives and think, 

“Damn, I wasn’t myself.”

The average business owner loses over $118,00 in profits because they don’t have a clear picture of their finances, with 13% saying they’ve missed out on $500,000 or more!

A logistic stat is like the shot of espresso your sales page is missing. It will take your offer from a ‘nice to have’ to an ‘oh my gosh – I need this’ in a snap. 

#4 – Write first, organize or structure your page later. 

Write first – edit your words later.

Write first – structure your words into a sales page later!

You lose so much creativity and joy in the creation process by editing yourself as your write. 

Set a timer. Without editing or even pausing to correct spelling errors, write down the things you want your clients to know.  Write what you hope for them. Write what you wish they knew about working with you. Write the myths they believe, and the challenges you wish they didn’t have to face. Write about your offer and why you made it for them.

Take a break. THEN come back and edit things and put them into a sales page ‘structure.’ 

I have a free template that shows you how to organize your sales page from here. 

This free template also includes more freewriting prompts to get the words you really want (and need) your sales page to say flowing.  

If you’re worried about the structure or organization of your page, you can also book a Sales Page Edit with me. 

With your Edit, within the week, you’ll have a custom Loom video that shows you exactly what to add/delete/change/SAY on every section of your sales page to boost conversions, plus three custom-written headlines. 

# 5 – Clap for your offer the loudest. 

Some of the best advice I ever received as a business owner was: You need to clap for yourself first and loudest. 

This is advice I carry with me anytime I write anything for my clients or my own business. 

YOU as the business owner, need to be all-in on your offer first. 

You can’t decide your offer is worthy or good AFTER a client or someone else validates you. You can’t be nervous about the pricing, your ability to deliver it, or your capability. 

You have to believe in your offer the most – all-in believe in it. You have to clap for it FIRST. 

Your readers can feel it when you write your sales page from “Gee, I hope they like this” energy or “I need them to buy this” energy. 

They can also feel it when you write your sales page from “This offer is going to change your life – I’m so sure of it and so excited to support you – LET’S GO!” 

The energy you put behind your words affects your conversions, 100%.  

Send me a DM on Instagram if you loved this post and it gave you ideas on how to ‘do your offer justice’ on your sales page! 

👉Click HERE to book your Sales Page Edit.

👉Grab your Free Sales Page Template. 

👉 Get the highest converting sales page possible when you book me as your Sales Page Copywriter. 

Listen to the Above the Bar Copy Podcast on this topic below!

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! Can’t wait to meet ya! 

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