Hey everyone!
Welcome back to another blog!
Today, we’re diving into four content angles you should be using in February. These angles work for email marketing but you can also use them in your social media captions, sales pages, or website copy.
If you’re selling something as a coach or a creative, these are the topics you need to be covering to connect with your audience and drive sales.
Let’s get into it!
Four Content Angles to Use in February
Angle #1. What do your clients need to believe about you before they work with you?
Before someone hires you, they need to believe certain things about you. What are those beliefs?
- As a copywriter, my clients have to believe that I can write better copy than what they currently have or what they could create on their own.
- If you’re a money coach, your clients need to believe that you can help them earn more money and that you know something about building wealth that they don’t know.
Think about your own niche and take a few minutes to brainstorm: What do your clients need to believe before they commit to working with you?
The best way to reinforce those beliefs in your content is through case studies, testimonials, and stories. Share examples of how you’ve helped past clients and highlight the results they’ve achieved with your work.
Angle #2. What are some of your clients past achievements that make them ideal for getting results and working with you right now?
When we think about writing copy, we often focus on challenges, struggles, and pain points.
But what about the wins your clients have achieved in the past? What about the achievements, the wins, the gains, the awards, the accolades, the things they’re proud of?
What have they done and achieved thus far to be in the perfect position to work with you right now?
- My copywriting clients have already built multi-six-figure businesses. They’ve had successful launches, created an offer suite, and mapped out their content and launch calendars. They’ve done the work to get their business to this point, and now they’re ready to scale with better copy.
- Another business coach I follow has a program that helps her clients build and scale their offers, but they need to have already achieved the win of building a solid group coaching program before working with her.
Think about your own business: What wins have your clients already achieved that make them ready for your offer?
Angle #3. What are some deeply held norms or beliefs that your clients have that just aren’t true?
What do your clients think is true that’s not? What is something they think they have to do to see a win, that frankly, they actually don’t have to do?
- Many business owners believe that they either have to spend $10,000 on a copywriter or DIY all their copy—there’s no in-between. But that’s simply not true. I offer retainers and template resources that bridge the gap between DIY and full-service copywriting.
- Maybe you’re a health coach, and your clients believe they have to track every single macro and lift heavy weights to lose weight. But you as the coach know there’s another way.
Your ideal clients see certain things on social media, in their masterminds, and from their peers that they assume are the way to success. You can flip that deeply held normal belief and show them possibilities.
I love this sales angle. I love coming in and being like, hey, actually, I know it seems like everyone’s doing this to see this win…and if that’s not hitting right with you – good news! Here are some other ways that you can see these wins.
Angle #4. Why haven’t your clients gotten the results they want yet—and why isn’t it their fault?
When your client comes to you, most of the time, there is a very, very good chance that they have tried to solve the problem that they are hiring you for. But it hasn’t worked and they are still out there trying to get that big win.
Why hasn’t it worked? And more importantly, how is that not their fault?
- I work with clients who have already built successful businesses, written their own launch copy, and made sales. But they’re not selling at the level they know they could be. That’s not their fault—it’s just that their copy hasn’t been optimized yet.
- If you’re a functional health coach, your clients may have spent years trying to heal an autoimmune disease. The reason they’re still struggling isn’t that they failed—it’s because they didn’t have the right testing, data, or customized protocols.
This angle is powerful because it reassures your audience. It tells them: It’s not your fault this hasn’t worked before, but I have a solution that can help you now.
Recap: Your February Content Plan
- What do your clients need to believe about you before they work with you? Reinforce these beliefs with case studies and testimonials.
- What are some of your clients past achievements that make them ideal for getting results and working with you right now? Highlight their wins and position them for success.
- What are some deeply held norms or beliefs that your clients have that just aren’t true? Challenge their assumptions and offer a new perspective.
- Why haven’t your clients gotten results yet—and why isn’t it their fault? Show them why what they’ve tried hasn’t worked and how your offer fills the gap.
I hope these four spicy sales angles are just what you need to connect with your ideal client. Let me know how it works for you! Send an email to hello@jennyrothcopywriting.com or tag me in IG @jennyrothcopywriting with your insights or questions!
As always, if you want to explore relationship-based email marketing strategy in more depth, check out my FREE email marketing strategy and template collection.
This is a bundle of six email templates that you can rotate through every month, plus a calendar showing you when to send each to start more conversations, build better relationships, and make more sales with your email list.
Listen to the Email Marketing Podcast on this topic below!