I have always admired Lindsay.
She does things differently. And I know we hear the term ‘differently’ a lot in the online business world, but Lindsay truly creates her own way.
This is what I mean:
Lindsay works a full-time job and homeschools her kids in addition to running a successful coaching business. 💪

She doesn’t have time for the traditional sales and marketing tactics we all *think* we need to do, such as:
- Discovery calls
- Running big launches
- Hosting live events
- Posting on social media every day
But – even without all these things👆 – Lindsay still fills her coaching calendar months in advance and serves her students with so much care, knowledge, and high-level support.
And … ready for this? … she has also managed to stay in the online business game for a decade.
This is a huge milestone and testament to how Lindsay creates long-term, successful business strategies that work for her life (and how she helps her students do the same).
Lindsay also happens to be one of my Sizzlin’ Sales Page Copy clients!
When we started working together, she had a sales page that was converting at about 2% (in her words – “on a good day!”).
She runs ads directly to this page. There’s no funnel or freebie to get to the offer. It’s priced at $43.
Lindsay wanted to see if she could get her sales page converting higher, and lucky me, she hired me to rewrite it!
Here’s what happened when we wrote Lindsay’s sales page
💪Her sales page started converting at 4% almost immediately after turning on ads to her new page and then was converting at 6% a day later!!
💪Last time I checked, she had made over 900 sales for this offer!!!
~ I could die this makes me so happy~
4 Things That Made the Biggest Impact
We did a total rewrite and makeover on Lindsay’s sales page, but the most important things we did were:
1) Updated her main headline to show a clear ‘I need this yesterday!’ offer promise that’s infused with client voice.
In our market research, across the board, Lindsay’s clients said they wanted to book 1:1 coaching clients without discovery calls.
Knowing this, here’s the headline section we made:
Become fully booked with high-ticket, 1:1 coaching clients without discovery calls
So you can achieve predictable, consistent income, fill your calendar months in advance, and work with best-fit clients who trust that you can help them even before your first session.
It gets even better. This lead generation strategy takes less than an hour to learn. You can start using it right away. And it’s only $43!!
2) Updated all of her testimonials with headlines that reflect her offer promise.
I am a stickler on this one. If your testimonial section has a headline that says ‘kind words’ – you are missing out!
Make the best sentence in your testimonial the testimonial headline, like this:
“The Dream Client Code is the easiest, most creative strategy I have ever used to book 1:1 coaching clients.
It’s also super low-pressure for my clients and for me— which I love!”
3) Highlighted the ‘gap’ between where Lindsay’s clients are now and where they want to be and showed how her offer fills this gap.
4) Outlined her offer method to show clients that they’re not signing up for something they’ve already learned elsewhere.
Wondering what this looks like in the wild? I would love for you to check out Lindsay’s new sales page HERE.
(And sign up for her Dream Client Code while you’re at it – it’s such an incredible resource!!).
Then …
Wondering what this would look like for you and your business?
Book your Sizzlin’ Sales Page Copy HERE.
This is done-for-you sales page copy for female-led course creators and group coaching offers. This is for you if you want to have the highest-converting sale page possible. You’ll walk away with a sales page that your clients love to read and buy from and that positions you to reach your next big goal, like:
- Having a converting funnel
- Celebrating your most successful launch yet
- Filing your program without discovery calls
Click HERE to book your Sizzlin’ Sales Page Copy Project
PS – If you aren’t ready to hire a sales page copywriter, I have two other options you might love:
#1 – A Free Sales Page Copy Template
Over one thousand business owners have trusted this template to help write their sales page. Inside, I guide you through writing every section of your page with mad-lib headlines and prompts for when you’re stuck on what to say. Get the Free Sales Page Template
For $197, you get a custom Loom video that shows you EXACTLY what to add, remove, say and change to increase your sales page’s conversion rate, AND I write three headlines for you! Reserve Your Sales Page Edit