
Free sales page copy & design template
How to write a simple sales page that converts!  


Celebrate the highest converting sales page your business has seen yet.

free sales page copy template

Implement a relationship-based email marketing strategy that makes sales. 

free Email templates & strategy

free sales page copy template


Sales page copy that welcomes your clients with open arms
and leaves them feeling excited to work with you!*

*AND helps you achieve your next milestone in business, like ...
✸Having a funnel that truly converts.
✸Filling your program without discovery calls.
✸Celebrating your most successful (and peaceful!) launch yet. 


Book a discovery call to get started 

Manifestation coach earns $30k and fully books her group coaching offer with sales page & email copy from Jenny Roth Copywriting

Hiring a copywriter wasn’t necessarily a matter of getting more leads – it was about attracting the right leads. 

Working with Jenny gave me exactly this result. All of the women who joined this round are perfectly aligned clients.”

 ~ Tracey Jazmin., Mindset & Manifestation Coach

Birth & Breastfeeding coach builds an Evergreen funnel that consistently converts at 11% for her four-figure membership with sales page and email copy from Jenny Roth Copywriting

“Jenny went to work and delivered on the copy for my funnel! She stuck with me through testing and getting it to convert. 

I’ve ran this funnel for over six months, and it consistently books calls every single time I turn it on. 

It’s a game-changer to know I don’t have to rely on organic marketing to serve more clients and fill spots in my membership.” 

~ Courtney Stallworth., Black Birth & Breastfeeding Coach 


Your sales page copy doesn’t *quite* showcase how freaking amazing your offer is.

Your podcast and Instagram content is hella good. It's just that this flipping sales page - that you've tried writing 700 million times -  isn't conveying the value of your offer. 

You’re getting eyes to your page (woo hoo!) but those eyes aren’t buying at the rate you’re hoping for … yet. 

Yet ‘cuz we’re about to change this!!)

You know how you want your sales page to make people feel, you’re just not sure how to get that into words. 

It’s not that you’re not a good writer. It’s just that creating a converting sales page is a massive undertaking that takes years of practice to get right. You don’t have to go through all this practice though, Friend, because I already have :). 

I write sales page copy all.day. I know what works, and as your copywriter, I care about your business, your clients, and your results as much as you do. Believe it:

>>> You absolutely can have a sales page that brings your offer to life and leaves your clients feeling so excited to work with you. <<<

Book a discovery call

Click the button below to start the process of giving your offer the red-carpet-worthy sales page it deserves. 


How forking cool  would it be if your sales page actually closed sales for you?

If you answered “cooler than cool,” then you’re in the right place. 

When you want to truly scale your course or group offer – for real – without having to: 

✖️Fill your calendar with MORE discovery/sales calls 

✖️Hire a team to do sales calls for you 

✖️Constantly answer questions in your DMs during launch week 

It’s time to point your clients to a sales page that makes working with you an easy YES!

Book a discovery call


You are literally asking people to trust you. To open their wallets and commit to your offer over everything else out there. This is a big ask.

Which is why your sales page needs to be …

Compelling enough to grab your ideal client’s attention so they immediately know your offer is for them.

A Conversation that treats people like people and gives your clients all the information they need – so they feel zero buyer’s remorse when clicking the ‘buy now’ button.

Infused with Can’t-Stop-Reading-It Messaging that makes your competition squirm with envy (just a little) and your clients excited to work with YOU.


It’s a massive relief to launch when you know your sales page is client-centered, relatable, and ready to close sales.

Book a discovery call

Business and life coach celebrates a $17k group coaching program launch with sales page copy support from Jenny Roth Copywriting

“The emails & sales page Jenny wrote for my launch were so FREAKIN’ good! Our click and open rates were amazing; and the women who enrolled into the program are the exact best-fit clients I was hoping to serve with this offer. 

I felt like the content we put out for this launch was so intentional and client-centered. It made our sales conversations go so smoothly!”

~ Tay Daniels, Business & Life Coach 


Sizzlin’ Sales Page Copy 

Done for your Sales Page Copy that propels you to your most profitable launch yet and fills your offer with the best-fit clients.

Delivered to your digital doorstep - eh hem - inbox in two weeks or less!

Book a discovery call


A high-converting sales page doesn’t happen by luck– it happens by a proven process. 

>>> I’ll write your sales page using my 3 C’s Sales Page Copy Method.<<< 

^ This method is how I’ve helped 100%* of my clients achieve their best launch to date. 

The Jenny Roth Copywriting 3 C’s Sales Page Copy Method 

01. Client Voice

02. Compelling

03. Can’t stop reading it


Client Voice

To start, I go on a literal QUEST to pull together your client-voice infused sales messaging. 

Your sales page is for a reader. We have to talk to this reader in language they understand and use. I’ll piece this together by nerding out hard on your discovery calls, new client applications, intake forms, testimonials, and client interviews. 

Then, I’ll put all my findings together in a wicked cool messaging map that you can use to speak to your best-fit clients in all your content. Time and again I hear from clients that this messaging map and the clarity it brings around who they’re talking to is worth as much as the sales page itself!

01. Client Voice

02. Compelling

03. Can’t stop reading it



I will never ask you to fill out a long onboarding questionnaire or write a novel disguised as new client homework. You just hired me to write for you – why would I give you a bunch of writing to do? Not happening :).

Instead, we’ll hop on one 2-hour messaging intensive call. That’s it. You leave this call; your time spent on this project is done. You don’t have to bring or prepare anything. Together, we’ll map out your one-of-a-kind and compelling sales page messaging.  

After this meeting you can get back to living your life while I write the page for you. Literally – give me two hours, and I’ll give you the best sales page your offer has ever seen! 

01. Client Voice

02. Compelling

03. Can’t stop reading it


Can’t stop reading it

Within one week of your messaging intensive call, I’ll deliver a completely wireframed and ready for design long form sales page to sell your group offer or course. We’ll go through one round of edits (if necessary) and your page will be ready to go live.

I’ll double check your copy after you put it in design and/or collaborate with your designer to make sure the final project is completely on point and tres magnifique. I also have a sales page Showit template free of charge if you need one!

Get ready to welcome new clients who say:
“I could not stop reading your sales page. It felt like it was written exactly for me.”

Yep, this really happens! 👆

No long onboarding questionnaire or intake process– because who has the damn time?!

No long wait for your copy. You’ll have a completely ready-for-design sales page in two weeks or less.

No generic sales copy that disappoints your readers and leaves them wishing you’d put some sizzle into selling them on your offer.

Sizzlin’ Sales Page Copy Investment is: $4000 USD

Bundle & save! Add an Evergreen or Launch Email Sequence to your Sales Page for $6000 USD total

(4 or 6 monthly payment plans welcome!)

Email sequence, Facebook ad, landing page, and thank you page copy available as add-ons! Inquire upon booking. 

And - because you’ve asked – yes, I will totally write you *just* an email funnel ($4000 USD), but for most cases, I find that starting with the sales page is the best bet. 

The sales page is your foundation for any launch or Evergreen offer. When your sales page is working, we can easily build your email funnel from its messaging points.

Book a discovery call

Mindset coach for female athletes celebrates a multiple six figure launch - double from their previous launch - with sales page, launch strategy, and email copy by Jenny Roth Copywriting

“We were able to earn 3x our ad spend and 2x our earnings from our previous launch! 

Working with Jenny was seamless. She took all the copy tasks off our plate and gave us a new launch strategy that resulted in us having a much higher closing rate during our live webinars!

~ Coaches Bre & Kristina, Mindset & Positive Performance Coaches for Female Athletes


Ever wonder how much more money you could be making if your sales page was converting even just 1% higher?

**opens up trusty cell phone calculator**

1000 leads for a $997 offer with a sales page converting at 2% = $19,940

1000 leads for a $997 offer with a sales page converting at 1% = $9,970 

Math … she is cruel and oh-so-blunt – but she never lies:

→ You could have your best launch yet if your sales page copy was pulling even just a *little more weight*

Book a discovery call

Book a call, bring your current your sales page, and i'll show you how we can boost conversions on it - pronto!

Money Mindset & Manifestation Coach fills group coaching offer with best-fit clients using launch and sales page copy by Jenny Roth Copywriting

“Working with Jenny on this launch completely elevated my messaging for my offer, how I speak in my content, and the way I articulate what I do. 

I feel so much more aligned and confident in the ideal client I’m calling in. I’ve had women join my program who’ve literally said, “This sales page feels like it was written exactly about me!!” 

The best part is now that I have these emails and sales page set up, I have a launch system that I can run multiple times throughout the year without having to reinvent the wheel each time.”

~ Rita Roushdy, Money Mindset & Manifestation Coach 

Hi! I'm Jenny Roth.

I’m the copywriter behind hundreds of five and six figure launches that didn’t stress my clients the F out because they knew their sales page copy was done right

It grinds my literal gears when coaches & course creators, who are incredibly caring and insanely good at what they do, miss out on sales because their sales page copy doesn’t accurately convey how incredible their offer really is. 

Your Instagram content, ads, podcast, and webinar bring people in, but your sales page makes the sale. It’s the last thing your clients see before they commit with their wallets to working with you – so it’s gotta put your absolute best foot forward. 

When your sales page gives your clients every reason to trust YOU and say yes to buying … all the doors for scaling your business open. Only when you sales page is working, can you have:

Converting Evergreen funnels

Less (or zero) discovery calls to fill your offer

Successful launch campaigns

👆Stuff that’s only possible when your sales page sells for you. 

I understand the assignment :), and I am so here to deliver you a sales page that wows your readers and crushes your launch goals. 

Let's work together

“Jenny has that hard-to-find, unicorn-like ability to create exceptional brand voice and personality-packed copy and convey the information in an accurate way to the reader.

I have worked with countless writers in my marketing career and I know how hard it is to find a copywriter like her. She is insanely good at what she does.”  

~ Koree Ritter, Brand Strategy & Marketing Planning Specialist


There are a lot of eyes on your sales page but not nearly enough buyers.

UGHHH – People are binging your content. Listening to your podcast. Reading your emails! Clicking to your sales page. But they aren’t buying at the rate you know they *could* be. 

$^#%$ ← Your favorite swear word goes here 

Deep breath - we can change this! 

Your sales page isn’t closing leads because you’re building so much hype around your offer through social media, your masterclass, and everywhere else – but when your audience gets to your sales page …

… record needle screech … 

The copy you pieced together via a free template falls flatter than a broken heel.

Generic headlines like:

“Imagine your life one year from now” 

“This could be you!!!” 

“Here’s what you get when we work together”

 Don’t truly show the heart of your work or inspire clients to take action and work with you.

Your offer and bigger mission to change more lives with your online business deserves a sales page that is completely optimized to resonate with your readers and sell. (Period!)

Let's work together